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Welcome to the Bankruptcy Chatboard. This Toxic Torts Chatboard
is dedicated to discussions about bankruptcy law and bankruptcy attorneys.
Please bookmark this resource and contribute often!

All posts on the Bankruptcy Chatboard
- Bankruptcy lawyer in San Diego – Swigart Law Group, 10/05/20, by Joshua Swigart.
- Bankruptcy and Reaffirmation Agreements, 12/27/17, by William Foster.
- Mark Karpeles Arrest Affect On Mt. Gox Bankruptcy, 9/14/15, by Ian DeMartino.
- Florida Bankruptcy Law, 6/08/15, by Mark Snider.
- Legal way to sell home without informing bankruptcy trustee, 9/29/12, by Zaydeus.
- Fort Lauderdale DUI Lawyer, 7/02/12, by camelia.
- Atlanta Product Liability Attorney, 6/10/12, by camelia.
- Medical Malpractice, 6/10/12, by camelia.
- Medical Malpractice , 6/08/12, by camelia.
- Vehicle Purchase then Filed, 7/12/10, by Tim.
- homestead exemption, 2/04/10, by rob cooley.
Re: homestead exemption, 5/07/10, by Chad Julius.
- Summary Judgment, 7/06/09, by Tex.
- Affirmative Defense, 6/16/09, by Mike D.
- Affirmative Defense, 6/16/09, by Mike D.
Re: Affirmative Defense, 7/06/09, by Shiraz.
- gay issues, 5/16/09, by Misty.
- Bankruptcy after a divorce, 5/04/09, by Dale.
Re: Bankruptcy after a divorce, 5/13/09, by Katie.
Re: Bankruptcy after a divorce, 6/29/09, by Jim.
- Bankruptcy, 3/26/09, by Shayna.
- Bankruptcy and a 401K loan , 2/02/09, by Becca.
- Help with VA Bankruptcy , 10/11/08, by Singh.
- Ethical Exemption Planning, 10/11/08, by Robb.
- pending personal injury case, 4/06/08, by William T. Yadlon, Esq..
Re: pending personal injury case, 4/16/08, by Al Bruzas.
- Court Order, 2/20/08, by Joseph.
- BK Software, 12/29/07, by Ess Tevan.
- dad losing business, 12/22/07, by daughter1975.
- Bankruptcy/inheritance, 11/17/07, by jd.
Re: Bankruptcy/inheritance, 12/19/07, by Adrian.
- Help with texas bankruptcy chp 7, 10/15/07, by Martin deloach.
Re: Help with texas bankruptcy chp 7, 12/19/07, by Adrian.
- Payments on medical bills isn't enough, 8/30/07, by oreo.
Re: Payments on medical bills isn't enough, 8/31/07, by 00.
- Trustees Right to share info, 8/12/07, by Rich.
- Means test, 8/12/07, by Michael.
- car reposession, 7/25/07, by Katie.
- Filing Chapter 7 against a mortgage company in chapter 11, 6/22/07, by Scott.
Re: Filing Chapter 7 against a mortgage company in chapter 1, 6/22/07, by v.
- 1st Civil Court Date? , 3/19/07, by Matt.
- .doc version of Title 11, post BPACPA, 2/19/07, by bankrjedi.
Re: .doc version of Title 11, post BPACPA, 12/19/07, by Adrian.
- Ca BK rules - secured or unsecured claim? , 10/19/06, by JG.
Re: Ca BK rules - secured or unsecured claim? , 10/19/06, by JG.
Re: Ca BK rules - secured or unsecured claim? , 5/17/07, by el.
- Bankruptcy Attorney Mentor, 7/30/06, by Tony Clark.
Re: Bankruptcy Attorney Mentor, 7/30/07, by LOREN COLLINS.
- Voluntary Car Repossession, 7/13/06, by Jeff.
Re: Voluntary Car Repossession, 7/14/06, by M'sta Mikey.
- Increased NY Homestead Exemption: Drop 13, File 7?, 6/25/06, by Debitum.
Re: Increased NY Homestead Exemption: Drop 13, File 7?, 8/09/07, by marie ausfeld.
- Chapter 13 Payoff with Judgment Debt Civil Court, 4/24/06, by J.B..
- BAPCPA, 2/09/06, by Curmudgeon.
- A minor incident of malpractice, 11/16/05, by Curmudgeon.