THE TOXIC TORTS CHATBOARDS ARE DEDICATED TO ATTORNEYS. Law students and other legal professionals are invited to participate. No registration required to post - but if your post is abusive or vulgar, you will be banned.
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Welcome to the Criminal Law Chatboard. This Toxic Torts Chatboard
is dedicated to academic discussions about criminal law, criminal procedure, and the rules of evidence and Constitutional issues associated with this field.
Please bookmark this resource and contribute often!

If you are not a law student, please visit our Criminal Defense forum. If you have a legal question for an attorney, or are seeking a referal for an attorney in your area, please post your question to the Legal Question Chatboard or refer to our Practice Areas network.
Latest posts on the Criminal Law Chatboard
- Filing a complaint against my Parole Officer, 6/04/17, by Kimberley.
- Re: caught shoplifting, no police, how much should i worry?, 4/16/13, by LC.
- ACD Issue, 1/09/13, by Need2bEmployed.
- Worried - upcoming trial my son is faces for tresspassing, 9/28/12, by Kris.
- Re: Felonys, Misdemeanors, and Background checks...., 8/06/12, by Angel M. Ramos.
- Re: Felonys, Misdemeanors, and Background checks...., 8/06/12, by Angel M. Ramos.
- Shoplifted in macys, 11/21/11, by Jennie.
- Sales Charges, 10/26/11, by TMc.
- Theft at Macys, 9/24/11, by John Jacobs.
- Re: caught shoplifting, no police, how much should i worry?, 8/14/11, by Anon nomus.
- Re: Felonys, Misdemeanors, and Background checks...., 8/07/11, by dale lee shatto jr.
- Re: Can't wait to get involved, 7/06/11, by Irma Lee Gonzales.
- Re: Can't wait to get involved, 7/06/11, by Irma Lee Gonzales.
- Re: Can't wait to get involved, 7/06/11, by Irma Lee Gonzales.
- Can't wait to get involved, 7/06/11, by #billsmart29[KKKJJEJRRKJE].
- Re: Ecard Numbers Bought on Craigslist, 7/05/11, by Alan.
- Re: Ecard Numbers Bought on Craigslist, 7/03/11, by MACYS LP.
- macys loss prevention, 6/22/11, by ee.
- current macys empolyee, 6/17/11, by associate.
- Choosing not to return to work?, 6/10/11, by KS.
- Ecard Numbers Bought on Craigslist, 6/08/11, by Alan.
- Re: accussed of shoplifting at macy's, 6/07/11, by John.
- accussed of shoplifting at macy's, 5/11/11, by Rgordy.
- abolition of Murder/Manslaughter distinction, 5/10/11, by law student.
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