THE TOXIC TORTS CHATBOARDS ARE DEDICATED TO ATTORNEYS. Law students and other legal professionals are invited to participate. No registration required to post - but if your post is abusive or vulgar, you will be banned.
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Welcome to the Equal Rights Chatboard. This Toxic Torts Chatboard
is dedicated to discussions related to issues involving Equal Protection as specified under the US Constitution.
Please bookmark this resource and contribute often!

Latest posts on the Equal Rights Chatboard
- FMLA, 6/20/16, by ACS.
- Can a Foster family sue DYFS?, 10/29/13, by Jarek.
- Re: Children Kidnapped by local DFS - update, 8/29/13, by kasie.
- Dillards Harassment, 2/05/13, by X Mojica.
- Re: dyfs stole my child!, 1/15/13, by Keith Interdonato.
- ggddCFGaUCxxa, 10/21/12, by Marylada.
- Re: DYFS, 5/10/12, by Robert.
- Re: EQUAL PROTECTION ISSUE - I NEED SOME INPUT, 4/01/12, by Rachael Phipps.
- baby girl, 2/13/12, by sara.
- Re: Dillard's lawsuits, 1/05/12, by Gina Jimenez.
- Re: Child Support Enforcement is a Violation of Men's Rights, 12/30/11, by Matt schilling.
- Re: DYFS, 11/30/11, by this is too funny.
- Re: DYFS, 11/30/11, by rachel.
- Dillards Merrit Island, 9/04/11, by Dominic Frontier.
- Dillards discrimination, 8/29/11, by dominic Frontier.
- dyfs stole my child!, 6/12/11, by melissa.
- Re: DYFS, 4/22/11, by wwomr.
- Re: Dillard's wants only men to manage mens dept????, 4/10/11, by Anonymous.
- Re: Dillard's Lawsuits, 2/16/11, by Marie Wener.
- Re: Dillard's Lawsuits, 12/25/10, by Shannon Bowman.
- Re: Dillard's lawsuits, 11/15/10, by anonymous.
- Re: Dillard's lawsuits, 11/15/10, by Vilma.
- Re: How DYFS Neglects and Abuses WE children!, 10/09/10, by brittney.
- Re: Dillard's Lawsuits, 7/28/10, by Patsy.
- Re: Dillard's wants only men to manage mens dept????, 4/29/10, by Carla .
- Re: Can a foster parent sue DYFS?, 2/20/10, by Kellie.
- documentary film in production, 2/12/10, by Shawn Jakson.
- Re: Dillard's lawsuits, 2/06/10, by miriam .
- Re: Dillard's Lawsuits, 2/06/10, by miriam .
- Re: Can a foster parent sue DYFS?, 1/04/10, by family law crusader.
- Re: DYFS, 12/27/09, by family law crusader who hates dyfs.
- Re: Dillard's Lawsuits, 12/12/09, by Lea.
- Re: Sexual harrasment on the work place, 11/02/09, by Manish.
- Re: Sexual harrasment on the work place, 11/02/09, by Manish.
- Xenophobic/Discrimination, 10/03/09, by Annoymous.
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