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Welcome to the Law Students Chatboard. This Toxic Torts Chatboard
is dedicated exclusively to those studying law. The Law Student Chatboard is a great place to discuss issues such as law school admission and standing, legal issues and hypotheticals, exam secrets and techniques, and finding legal employment during law school and after graduation.
Please bookmark this resource and contribute often!

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Latest posts on the Law Students Chatboard
- QS Query For UK Internship, 8/15/17, by Veronica.
- Path to British Citizenship?, 6/05/17, by Rebecca Harkins.
- Conveyancing differences, 5/30/17, by Rebecca Harper.
- Studied in UK, moving to USA, 4/05/17, by Rebecca Harper.
- Re: The Official Word from DETC Regarding ALU, 3/28/17, by Luvenia Morris.
- Re: Appellate Brief, 10/04/16, by Dieter.
- Appellate Brief, 5/20/16, by Katie Hall.
- West Law book on S Corpoatio, 2/17/16, by Tillman Walters.
- Concord law?, 6/10/15, by Beth.
- Waiting for bar results, 4/11/14, by Robert.
- Law School Made Easy, 10/28/13, by Jade Gon.
- THE LATE, GREAT MITCH FRANKLIN, 8/08/13, by Hardy Parkerson, J.D..
- Re: legal malpractice, 4/05/13, by Tchamek.
- legal malpractice, 3/22/13, by danielle.
- University of Honolulu Law School, 3/04/13, by J. Weinstein, Coral Gables.
- Barbri Maryland, 2/26/13, by Sherry Martin.
- Re: advice on law, 2/11/13, by Frank.
- Re: advice on law, 2/11/13, by Frank.
- Re: advice on law, 2/11/13, by Frank.
- Re: advice on law, 2/11/13, by Frank.
- Re: Non-Bar JD, 2/10/13, by Frank.
- Re: Non-Bar JD, 2/10/13, by Frank.
- fundamental rights, 1/09/13, by Ayushi.
- Re: Moral Character Application - Employment Question, 11/30/12, by THEGUY.
- Pets And Your Health , 11/16/12, by beikatience.
- Re: NWCU LAW SCHOOL IS NO GOOD, 11/11/12, by NWCU Student.
- NWCU LAW SCHOOL IS NO GOOD, 11/01/12, by thegambler.
- Re: FYLSX FREE ONLINE CLASSES, 10/02/12, by Shire.
- Re: FYLSX FREE ONLINE CLASSES, 10/02/12, by terri.
- FYLSX FREE ONLINE CLASSES, 9/05/12, by shire.
- Re: Non-Bar JD, 3/23/12, by lawdog.
- What you must know before you attend/graduate from law schoo, 12/02/11, by Paula A. Argento.
- Legal research needed for cash$$, 11/29/11, by Aaron.
- Bar Exam Tutor (DC, MD, GA, FL, NY, NJ), 10/28/11, by Paul.
- advice on law, 10/13/11, by Marlee Hollomon.
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