THE TOXIC TORTS CHATBOARDS ARE DEDICATED TO ATTORNEYS. Law students and other legal professionals are invited to participate. No registration required to post - but if your post is abusive or vulgar, you will be banned.
Laypersons (the general public) may pose questions to this forum, as guests, keeping in mind the resource is dedicated specifically to Attorneys.

Welcome to the New Attorneys Chatboard. This Toxic Torts Chatboard
is dedicated to new attorneys starting out in the legal profession. Use this resource to discuss all topics related to the practice of law, or just network with your fellow legal professionals across the planet!
Please bookmark this resource and contribute often!

Latest posts on the New Attorneys Chatboard
- Looking for DUI Attorney?, 1/07/17, by Joseph Paletta.
- Legal Transcription, 10/23/16, by Marybeth Abodeely.
- The Law Office of Barbara E. McNamara, 9/30/16, by Carl Nickson.
- GriffithLaw - Personal Injury Lawyers Franklin TN, 7/20/16, by John Griffith.
- Milwaukee Divorce Lawyers, 3/10/15, by Jeff Hughes.
- Johnson Attorneys Group, 2/10/15, by James Johnson.
- custody of teenager, 8/24/14, by didinadincolentina.
- Legal Nurse Consultant Hamden, CT, 8/06/14, by Donn.
- Need an attorney, 6/04/14, by John.
- Selling affordable July 2013 NC and MBE Bar Exam Study Aids, 6/14/13, by Solution Kid.
- Law Offices of Kate Mesic, PA, 4/05/13, by Kate Mesic.
- need a lawyer due to serious problems wih medtronic spinal , 2/21/13, by Faiamee harris.
- Re: 2006 Barbri Nevada Essay Advantage book, 12/28/12, by Mark.
- Law Teaching, 8/28/12, by Ed.
- Losing the Big Ones, 8/08/12, by Hardy Parkerson, J.D..
- Get listed on LawMantic, 7/25/12, by Zexa.
- Peoria, IL lawyer wanted Full Time, 6/08/12, by Peoria Lawyer.
- California Attorney Wanted, 4/21/12, by William Wilson.
- California Attorney , 4/21/12, by William Wilson.
- Looking for used TN Barbri materials, 4/12/12, by Used TN Barbri.
- Re: Wanted: Wyoming Bar outlines, 3/02/12, by Andrew Clinton.
- Re: Wyoming Barbri Materials Wanted, 2/29/12, by Andrew Clinton.
- Article on Counterargument and Distinguishing Cases, 12/17/11, by Scott.
- What you must know about law firms and your career, 12/02/11, by Paula A. Argento.
- Pre-law student looking for a Lawyer to interview, 11/28/11, by ashley abraham.
- Are Law Schools and Bar Exams Necessary?, 10/25/11, by Scott.
- Free Legal Editing Exercises, 10/17/11, by Scott.
- free css templates, 10/14/11, by virendra yadav.
- intro, 10/13/11, by virendra yadav.
- Re: Legal nurse consultant Buffalo NY, 9/29/11, by Gail Galfo.
- Re: PMBR CDs for sale, 9/14/11, by Manessa.
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