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Welcome to the Products Liability Chatboard. This Toxic Torts Chatboard
is dedicated to discussions of defective products and products liability. Apropriate discussions include elements of products liability and all aspects of litigation involving products liability.
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All posts on the Products Liability Chatboard
- Predisone, 11/19/18, by Doreen Fedora .
- Prednisone ,and no proper warnings , agaibst AVASCULAR NECR, 9/03/18, by Adrian Winslow-hansen .
Re: Prednisone ,and no proper warnings , agaibst AVASCULAR , 10/04/18, by Patricia.
- Prednisone , 8/07/18, by Ruthanne Tremblay.
- prednisone, 7/04/18, by Marilyn Bloch.
- What they don’t tell you ,PREDNISONE. IS. THE. NUMBER ONE. , 11/06/17, by Adrian Winslow-Hansen .
Re: What they don’t tell you ,PREDNISONE. IS. THE. NUMBER ON, 1/15/18, by Melissa Chapman.
- Prednisone has caused more damage than relief, 10/23/17, by Laila Belinda Fobbs.
- Prednisone withdrawals, 9/21/17, by Linda.
- 3rd degree burn fron Walgreens/sunbeam had 2 hr shut off, 3/19/17, by Kathy peterson.
- Re: having problems with Boston Scientific's spinal cord st, 1/09/17, by donnie richie.
- Boston Scientific spinal cord stimulator , 3/21/16, by weary.
Re: Boston Scientific spinal cord stimulator , 3/21/16, by weary.
- prednisone, 1/21/16, by susan poston.
- precision spinal cord stimulator, 8/24/15, by Dominic reed.
- prednisone, 7/16/15, by william y hill jr.
- prednisone, 4/10/15, by Sophia Bell.
- Broken titanium screw in neck, 3/10/15, by Laura.
- medtronic spinalcord stimulator , 2/11/15, by Kimberly Lipscomb.
- type 1 diabetes and this prednisone , 2/07/15, by raquel.
- Prednisone destroyed my hip, 10/28/14, by Donna Bollwark.
- prednisone use, 10/22/14, by natalie.
- Prednisone, 10/15/14, by kimberly teel.
- medtronic spine stim, 9/12/14, by clare.
- medtronic spine stim, 9/12/14, by clare.
- Boston scientific stimulator problems, 5/04/14, by Kena Hartzog- Nelson.
- bostin scientific spinal stimalator , 4/23/14, by mark drumheller.
- Prednisone, 3/17/14, by Henry Walters.
- Prednizone Class Action Lawsuit, 3/05/14, by R. Allen.
- avascular necrosis after prednisone, 2/13/14, by Belinda Langley.
- Werner FS106 6' Fiberglass Ladder Failure, 2/01/14, by Jerry Heilman.
Re: Werner FS106 6' Fiberglass Ladder Failure, 5/02/16, by Gary.
Re: Werner FS106 6' Fiberglass Ladder Failure, 6/05/16, by Bill Liss.
- Titanium screw in neck is broken, 12/03/13, by Janet Davis`.
- Warner Steel LADDER # S 2208 Mark #5 2005, 10/03/13, by norm.
- prednisone damage, 9/12/13, by James Newell.
- pain pump case, 8/29/13, by Doug King.
- spinal cord stimulator, 8/24/13, by Rovert Dutille.
Re: spinal cord stimulator, 1/11/15, by billy.
Re: spinal cord stimulator, 4/14/17, by Patricia Diane Bruyette.
- Defective Methylprednisolone from NECC complications , 8/22/13, by Sharon M Egan.
- boston scientific spinal cord stimulator, 8/22/13, by robert a. dutiile jr..
- spinal cord stimulator, 8/17/13, by Robert A. Dutille Jr..
- prednisone induced diabetes referral, 8/13/13, by William Wimmer Attorney.
- prednisone, 6/15/13, by larry walker.
- sunbeam heating pads, 4/02/13, by Michelle MCREYNOLDS .
- 3rd degree burn , 3/27/13, by Barbara Robertson.
- predisione, 1/28/13, by brian oltmanns.
- Spinal cord stimulator problems, 1/06/13, by sharon grey.
Re: Spinal cord stimulator problems, 5/20/13, by Bonnie.
Re: Spinal cord stimulator problems, 7/28/15, by Cindy.
- Boston Scientific brain stimulator, 12/28/12, by gcmpc.
- 04 Expidition air bags did not work at crash, 12/27/12, by Kimberly.
- NYS Rules On Filing Complaints, 11/12/12, by miles.
- Boston Scientific Spinal Stimulator, 11/04/12, by William J Weaver.
- Boston Scientific, 10/30/12, by Eric.
- moncler exit Boutique online ?? una presa di Moncler prodotti che siaffaccia allaclientela italiana,perilprossimo inverno, 10/28/12, by Vonidrown.
- medtronics spinal pain stimulators, 9/29/12, by michelle mcreynolds.
- SCS pain , 9/28/12, by Wally.
- Spinalcord stimultor, 9/22/12, by Rosie.
- broken titanium screws in neck fusion, 9/13/12, by Connie.
- Potassium Supplements Are Reduced To Plecebo, 8/24/12, by Steve Blonske.
- XXIEkdQMrFbWZ, 8/17/12, by Kethan.
- boston scientific spinal column stimulator, 8/05/12, by Bonnie.
- werner ladders falty, 8/05/12, by ronald j wiggins jr.
Re: BOSTON STIMULATORS, 7/28/15, by cindy.
- CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT AGAINST BS, 7/10/12, by tracil72.
- spinal cord stimulator Boston sci.burns problems, 7/09/12, by Daniel maloney.
- Prednisone, 7/07/12, by Victoria Flanders.
- Boston Scientific SCS, 6/26/12, by Karen P..
Re: Boston Scientific SCS, 7/02/12, by Tommy Cobbs.
Re: Boston Scientific SCS, 7/10/12, by tracil72.
- Spinal cord stimulator (Medtronics}), 6/26/12, by Wayne.
Re: Spinal cord stimulator (Medtronics}), 7/09/12, by Dan Maloney.
Re: Spinal cord stimulator (Medtronics}), 7/09/12, by Dan Maloney.
Re: Spinal cord stimulator (Medtronics}), 7/23/12, by Kat Harris.
- BOSTON SCIENTIFIC, 6/26/12, by joanne.
Re: BOSTON SCIENTIFIC, 7/02/12, by Tommy Cobbs.
Re: BOSTON SCIENTIFIC, 7/28/15, by cindy.
- boston scientific, 6/22/12, by joanne.
- Avascular necrosis caused by prednisone, 6/14/12, by Don Willett.
- boston scienctic stimulator, 5/11/12, by jo ann.
- bad drug prednisone, 5/05/12, by Robert.
- bad drug prednisone, 5/05/12, by Robert.
- Boston Scientific, 5/03/12, by Tracil72.
Re: Boston Scientific, 7/25/12, by judy dollar.
- prednisone has destroyed my daughter's life, 4/09/12, by Margaret O'Neil.
- Prednisone, 4/07/12, by Jl.
Re: Prednisone, 5/22/12, by DT.
- Prednisone, 4/07/12, by Jl.
- Prednisone, 3/27/12, by Janene Littleton.
- prednisone, 3/25/12, by Anne Langlois.
- PREDNISONE, not Predisone!, 3/15/12, by Laurie.
- Predisone, 3/15/12, by Laurie .
- Prednisone BROKE MY BODY!!, 3/12/12, by Paul McPherson.
- Werner 6ft step ladder collapse , 1/29/12, by Russell Pickard.
Re: Werner 6ft step ladder collapse , 3/15/12, by S V Lopardo .
Re: Werner 6ft step ladder collapse , 3/15/12, by Steve Lopardo .
- Spinal cord stimulator, 1/24/12, by Amanda M.
Re: Spinal cord stimulator, 8/05/12, by Bonnie.
- answer this topic, 1/19/12, by PaigeRamsey31.
- Gorilla Ladder collapse, 1/16/12, by Kathy Woodward.
Re: Gorilla Ladder collapse, 9/19/14, by Valerie Marie Roach.
Re: Gorilla Ladder collapse, 9/19/14, by Valerie Marie Roach.
- medtronic stimulator, 1/13/12, by katherine barnard.
- medtronic stimulater, 1/10/12, by kevin crompton.
- re: problems with Boston Scientific Spinal Cord Stimulator, 1/06/12, by D.
- Werner S2210 300lb Capacity hinge shear,, 1/03/12, by Peggy Wheeler.
Re: Werner S2210 300lb Capacity hinge shear,, 4/17/12, by tvb.
- Barry Borum v. Werner Ladder, 12/28/11, by Barry Borum.
- Class Action Against Prednisone, 12/21/11, by Helen Angelyn Floyd.
- boston scienctic stimulator, 12/13/11, by jo ann.
- Werner S22210, 12/10/11, by Randy Vrana.
- Why Was Predisone Given To My Mother ??, 12/08/11, by Rebekah Fortson.
- Broken hinge on lower section s2210 attic ladder, 12/03/11, by Michael Matt.
- spinal cord stimulater, 11/17/11, by m corey.
Re: spinal cord stimulater, 1/24/12, by Gary Wright.
- Re: boston scientific implanted stim, 11/15/11, by michael.
- don't use stimulators, 11/14/11, by jo ann.
- Predizone, 10/25/11, by William T Swift.
Re: Predizone, 11/17/11, by luvenia morris.
- spinal fusion, 10/24/11, by Faridah Gabriel.
Re: spinal fusion, 1/09/13, by tammie combs.
- Boston Scientific spinal cord stimulator, 10/22/11, by Shawna McGuire.
- low dose dexamethasone, 10/05/11, by effeceomige.
- boston scienctic stimulator, 10/03/11, by jo ann.
- Boston Scientific pain stimulator, 9/22/11, by TERESA INGRAM.
Re: Boston Scientific pain stimulator, 10/03/11, by jo ann.
- warner s2110 broke, 9/13/11, by Norman Gibbs.
- Boston Scientific pain stimulator, 9/13/11, by TERESA INGRAM.
- St. Jude Penta Neurostimulator Lead spinal cord injury, 9/08/11, by David A. Sims.
- also looking for lawyer/class action against Prednisone, 7/29/11, by Laura Wilson.
- Medtronic Spinal Cord Stimulator, 7/25/11, by Pat Mahafeey.
- Need laywer for prednisone class action, 7/23/11, by Thomas Cagwin.
- Prednison side effects, 7/22/11, by Thomas Cagwin.
- Unnecessary Pain and surges, 7/06/11, by Robert Hunt.
- class action law suite on predisone, 7/02/11, by Ruby Arieon.
- Medtronic neurostimulator, 6/13/11, by Linda.
- Drug eluting stents / Johnson & Johnson, 6/12/11, by Jose R Fronda.
- Re: class action lawsuit against the makers of Prednisone, 6/08/11, by Elizabeth C..
- Re: class action lawsuit against the makers of Prednisone, 6/08/11, by Elizabeth C..
Re: class action lawsuit against the makers of Prednisone, 10/04/12, by THERESA MONTMINY.
Re: class action lawsuit against the makers of Prednisone, 7/08/13, by T> McKee.
Re: class action lawsuit against the makers of Prednisone, 3/17/14, by Henry Walters.
Re: class action lawsuit against the makers of Prednisone, 3/17/14, by Henry Walters.
Re: class action lawsuit against the makers of Prednisone, 8/26/15, by Roberta.
- medtronics class action or other, 6/07/11, by laurie Quinn.
- Spinal cord stimulator, 6/07/11, by laurie.
- Is there a class action lawsult against the makers of predni, 5/05/11, by Janene Littleton.
Re: Is there a class action lawsult against the makers of pr, 5/09/11, by A.L. Herseth.
- Even Werner has sold out America., 5/03/11, by Lloyd Clemans.
- Class action lawsuit against prednisone, 4/28/11, by Jose R Fronda .
Re: Class action lawsuit against prednisone, 5/23/11, by aaron k york.
Re: Class action lawsuit against prednisone, 5/23/11, by aaron k york.
- is there a lawsuit aganist prednisone ? , 4/28/11, by Yvonne Moretz.
- massive pain from medtronics back stimulator trial, 4/22/11, by Richard Wagner.
Re: massive pain from medtronics back stimulator trial, 4/27/11, by DC.
Re: massive pain from medtronics back stimulator trial, 5/10/11, by RALPH DAWSOn.
Re: massive pain from medtronics back stimulator trial, 5/10/11, by RALPH DAWSOn.
Re: massive pain from medtronics back stimulator trial, 5/10/11, by RALPH DAWSOn.
Re: massive pain from medtronics back stimulator trial, 5/10/11, by RALPH DAWSOn.
Re: massive pain from medtronics back stimulator trial, 5/19/11, by Iz.
- Fiberglass ladder crumbled like paper. , 4/14/11, by Geep.
- RE: Class Action Law Suit Against Prednisone, 4/13/11, by Arzo Hill.
- medtronics spinal cord stimulator, 4/08/11, by mercedes.
- medtronics spinal cord stimulator, 4/08/11, by mercedes.
- medtronic spinal cord stimulator, 4/07/11, by mercedes.
- medtronic spinal cord stimulator, 4/07/11, by mercedes.
- medtronic spinal cord stimulator, 4/07/11, by mercedes.
Re: medtronic spinal cord stimulator, 5/07/11, by R Howard.
Re: medtronic spinal cord stimulator, 5/09/11, by Brittany Bryant.
Re: medtronic spinal cord stimulator, 1/06/12, by Verna Barnett.
Re: medtronic spinal cord stimulator, 2/27/12, by Tracy.
- additional injuries caused by spinal cord stimulator, 4/07/11, by Mercedes.
Re: additional injuries caused by spinal cord stimulator, 6/07/11, by laurie Quinn.
Re: additional injuries caused by spinal cord stimulator, 6/16/11, by A Larson.
Re: additional injuries caused by spinal cord stimulator, 7/30/11, by jay.
Re: additional injuries caused by spinal cord stimulator, 9/05/11, by robert l seal.
Re: Do NOT get a spinal cord stimulator, 10/02/11, by Michele Minieri.
Re: Do NOT get a spinal cord stimulator, 10/03/11, by jo ann.
Re: additional injuries caused by spinal cord stimulator, 10/19/11, by Oscar Toledo.
Re: additional injuries caused by spinal cord stimulator, 10/27/11, by Harold.
Re: additional injuries caused by spinal cord stimulator, 11/14/11, by jo ann.
Re: additional injuries caused by spinal cord stimulator, 4/06/12, by Kim Justice.
Re: additional injuries caused by spinal cord stimulator, 5/31/12, by Danielle .
Re: additional injuries caused by spinal cord stimulator, 9/29/12, by michelle mcreynolds.
Re: additional injuries caused by spinal cord stimulator, 9/29/12, by michelle mcreynolds.
Re: additional injuries caused by spinal cord stimulator, 1/06/13, by sharon.
Re: additional injuries caused by spinal cord stimulator, 1/08/13, by gerardo nieves.
Re: additional injuries caused by spinal cord stimulator, 1/08/13, by gerardo nieves.
Re: additional injuries caused by spinal cord stimulator, 1/12/13, by Amy Roark.
Re: additional injuries caused by spinal cord stimulator, 2/07/13, by jamie.
Re: additional injuries caused by spinal cord stimulator, 2/11/13, by Rose Bare.
Re: additional injuries caused by spinal cord stimulator, 2/15/13, by Rose M Bare.
Re: additional injuries caused by spinal cord stimulator, 2/23/13, by jane klink.
Re: additional injuries caused by spinal cord stimulator, 3/10/13, by Kelly.
Re: additional injuries caused by spinal cord stimulator, 3/10/13, by Kelly.
Re: additional injuries caused by spinal cord stimulator, 4/14/13, by Anne.
Re: additional injuries caused by spinal cord stimulator, 6/24/13, by Deborah Linsman.
Re: additional injuries caused by spinal cord stimulator, 9/05/14, by Jennifer .
- Prednisone, 3/28/11, by Al.
- single mom trying to get sole custody, 3/24/11, by Tori.
- Boston Scientific Stimulator, 3/18/11, by Concerned.
Re: Boston Scientific Stimulator, 6/22/11, by Mari.
- Werner S2208 and S2210, 3/06/11, by Paul.
- Class action lawsuit against Prednisone, 3/02/11, by Jose Fronda.
Re: Class action lawsuit against Prednisone, 5/17/11, by debbie okane.
Re: Class action lawsuit against Prednisone, 6/12/11, by Melissa Jackson.
Re: Class action lawsuit against Prednisone, 2/19/13, by charlita McMullen.
Re: Class action lawsuit against Prednisone, 10/15/15, by gregg.
Re: Class action lawsuit against Prednisone, 1/10/16, by Ontaria Williams.
Re: Class action lawsuit against Prednisone, 3/21/16, by RJ Hegner.
Re: Class action lawsuit against Prednisone, 3/24/16, by Keta.
Re: Class action lawsuit against Prednisone, 5/12/16, by Maryann DeGarmo .
Re: Class action lawsuit against Prednisone, 7/09/16, by Nicole Parker -Boyd.
Re: Class action lawsuit against Prednisone, 4/19/17, by Maria Alexandrou.
Re: Class action lawsuit against Prednisone, 9/05/17, by Grace Fahlstedt.
Re: Class action lawsuit against Prednisone, 11/06/17, by Adrian Winslow- hansen.
Re: Class action lawsuit against Prednisone, 10/23/18, by michael walgurski.
Re: Class action lawsuit against Prednisone, 10/23/18, by michael walgurski.
- Medtronic Spinal Cord Stimulator, 3/02/11, by Sabrina Yannitell.
Re: Medtronic Spinal Cord Stimulator, 4/07/11, by Mercedes.
Re: Medtronic Spinal Cord Stimulator, 8/19/11, by Tammy .
Re: Medtronic Spinal Cord Stimulator, 3/27/12, by Travis Sizemore.
Re: Medtronic Spinal Cord Stimulator, 5/06/12, by Shawn.
Re: Medtronic Spinal Cord Stimulator, 6/26/12, by Samuel Wayne Davis.
Re: Medtronic Spinal Cord Stimulator, 6/26/12, by Wayne.
Re: Medtronic Spinal Cord Stimulator, 3/04/13, by theresa haney.
- spinal cord dorsal column stimulator, 2/24/11, by Fred.
- predisone, 2/24/11, by sheree baldwin.
- Medtronic stimulator, 2/13/11, by Jeremy.
Re: Medtronic stimulator, 2/15/11, by JuLeen.
- Product Identification, 1/17/11, by Bill.
- need a attorney for the houston texas , 1/12/11, by thomas.
- Werner Ladder, 1/11/11, by Brian L Reynolds.
- werner s2210 hinge failure, 1/03/11, by Phil Krauss.
- Prednisone, 12/01/10, by Genevieve.
- predisione, 11/27/10, by brian .
- medtronic spinal cord stimulator , 11/22/10, by john holmes.
- Werner s2210 bottom Hinge Shear, 11/09/10, by Bill Shaffer.
- Injury from Werner Aluminum stepladder, 11/09/10, by Roy Locke.
- Prednisone , 11/04/10, by Enid young .
- Killer Meds, 10/19/10, by Afton.
- Burns from a sunbeam heating pad, 10/06/10, by Patrick thompson.
Re: Burns from a sunbeam heating pad, 6/10/11, by Timi Headley.
Re: Burns from a sunbeam heating pad, 10/04/11, by Kristen Fulbright.
Re: Burns from a sunbeam heating pad, 3/23/13, by cindia cannon.
Re: Burns from a sunbeam heating pad, 4/02/13, by Michelle .
Re: Burns from a sunbeam heating pad, 3/19/17, by Kathy peterson.
Re: Burns from a sunbeam heating pad, 4/09/20, by S Gray.
Re: Burns from a sunbeam heating pad, 6/23/20, by Amy Rietschel.
- International Liability Cases for Small Businesses?, 9/18/10, by Hillary Sanders.
- Metronic Stimulator To Spine & Pain Pump, 9/17/10, by Robert Holley.
Re: Metronic Stimulator To Spine & Pain Pump, 11/25/10, by Bobbie.
- How much time can someone get for assaulting a police offic, 9/16/10, by Token.
- sentences, 9/16/10, by Token.
- Negative effects of Using Prednisone, 9/15/10, by
- Prednisone administered by V.A. , 9/10/10, by Jimmy K..
- Predisone law suit, 9/05/10, by John James.
- defective spinal stimulator, 9/04/10, by Maureen C. Williams.
- defective spinal stimulator, 9/04/10, by Maureen C. Williams.
- boston Scienific spinal stimulator implsnt, 9/04/10, by Maureen C. Williams.
- prednisone class action , 9/02/10, by Keith Cunningham.
- Re: Werner 6200, 8/30/10, by Rose.
Re: Werner 6200, 8/10/12, by Marc Lenahan.
- Prednisone, 8/24/10, by Denise Lewis.
- medtronic stimulator, 8/22/10, by Lauren Wallach.
- long-term use of Prednisone, 8/12/10, by M. Brown.
- ANS Stimulator Lead Problem, 8/09/10, by Gina .
- Presnisone Lawsuit, 7/30/10, by John C. Racine.
Re: Prednisone Lawsuit, 10/07/10, by John C Racine.
- ans spinal cord stimulator implant, 7/26/10, by shirley zagrocki.
Re: ans spinal cord stimulator implant, 12/29/10, by gary miles.
Re: ans spinal cord stimulator implant, 12/31/10, by Barbara Jones.
Re: ans spinal cord stimulator implant, 1/21/11, by chipup06.
Re: ans spinal cord stimulator implant, 5/27/11, by shirleypix.
Re: ans spinal cord stimulator implant, 4/17/12, by wally.
- Medtronics Spinal Stimulator Electrocuted, 7/25/10, by Shocked.
Re: Medtronics Spinal Stimulator Electrocuted, 3/18/11, by concerned.
- Sign me up on law suit against Predisone Mfg., 7/25/10, by Loraine Legg.
- Prednosone, 7/25/10, by Don.
- spinal cord stim, 7/24/10, by marie m.
- Prednisone class action lawsuit, 7/20/10, by Lina.
Re: Prednisone class action lawsuit, 7/20/10, by Lina.
Re: Prednisone class action lawsuit, 9/10/10, by Jimmy.
Re: Prednisone class action lawsuit, 1/04/11, by Vickie Nole.
Re: Prednisone class action lawsuit, 2/02/11, by Ursula.
Re: Prednisone class action lawsuit, 2/02/11, by Steven.
Re: Prednisone class action lawsuit, 2/02/11, by Steven.
Re: Prednisone class action lawsuit, 3/28/11, by Al.
Re: Prednisone class action lawsuit, 5/22/11, by Lucille Kennedy.
Re: Prednisone class action lawsuit, 8/03/11, by Chelsea Pizio.
Re: Prednisone class action lawsuit, 9/02/11, by Michele Dressler.
Re: Prednisone class action lawsuit, 11/27/11, by Cheryl Y. Wi;;iams.
Re: Prednisone class action lawsuit, 12/06/11, by yvette Lee.
Re: Prednisone class action lawsuit, 1/28/13, by brian.
Re: Prednisone class action lawsuit, 1/28/13, by brian.
Re: Prednisone class action lawsuit, 3/04/13, by kelly.
Re: Prednisone class action lawsuit, 11/06/13, by Noelle Cetta.
Re: Prednisone class action lawsuit, 2/04/14, by Jeanne .
Re: Prednisone class action lawsuit, 2/04/14, by Jean .
Re: Prednisone class action lawsuit, 12/23/14, by natalie suemori.
Re: Prednisone class action lawsuit, 7/16/15, by william y hill jr..
- Medtronics Spinal Nerve Stimulator, 7/16/10, by Steve.
- boston scientific spinal cord stimulator, 7/09/10, by jo ann zagger schettino.
Re: boston scientific spinal cord stimulator, 10/14/10, by Lisa.
Re: boston scientific spinal cord stimulator, 3/18/11, by concerned.
Re: boston scientific spinal cord stimulator, 3/18/11, by Concerned.
Re: boston scientific spinal cord stimulator, 9/17/11, by Lee Surgener.
Re: boston scientific spinal cord stimulator, 9/17/11, by Lee Surgener.
Re: boston scientific spinal cord stimulator, 10/22/11, by Shawna McGuire.
Re: boston scientific spinal cord stimulator, 6/26/12, by Karen P..
Re: boston scientific spinal cord stimulator, 12/08/12, by Lina.
- Spinal Cord Stimulator, 7/06/10, by Jennifer Pearl Gordon.
- ans spinal cord stim, 7/06/10, by marie m.
Re: ans spinal cord stim, 7/23/10, by Lori S.
- Lexus 1999 LX 470 Brake failure, 7/06/10, by Pascal Royet.
- Complete Rejection, 6/23/10, by Travis.
- Medtronic, 6/23/10, by Rich S.
- Prednisone, 6/19/10, by Margie.
- Prednosone, 6/14/10, by Joyce F.
- Prednosone, 6/13/10, by Joyce F.
Re: Prednosone, 6/14/10, by t.j..
- having problems with Boston Scientific's spinal cord stimul, 6/11/10, by Lucas B..
Re: having problems with Boston Scientific's spinal cord st, 6/18/10, by Heather.
Re: having problems with Boston Scientific's spinal cord st, 6/29/10, by t.j..
Re: having problems with Boston Scientific's spinal cord st, 9/02/10, by Darcy.
Re: having problems with Boston Scientific's spinal cord st, 10/21/10, by LD.
Re: having problems with Boston Scientific's spinal cord st, 12/28/10, by S.Stone.
Re: having problems with Boston Scientific's spinal cord st, 1/12/11, by thomas p.
Re: having problems with Boston Scientific's spinal cord st, 1/17/11, by D Goodin.
Re: having problems with Boston Scientific's spinal cord st, 2/02/11, by Ursula Griest.
Re: having problems with Boston Scientific's spinal cord st, 2/02/11, by Ursula.
Re: having problems with Boston Scientific's spinal cord st, 3/18/11, by Concerned.
Re: having problems with Boston Scientific's spinal cord st, 5/31/11, by S.Stone.
Re: having problems with Boston Scientific's spinal cord st, 6/16/11, by Susan.
Re: having problems with Boston Scientific's spinal cord st, 7/06/11, by Robert.
Re: having problems with Boston Scientific's spinal cord st, 9/19/11, by Charles.
Re: having problems with Boston Scientific's spinal cord st, 12/12/11, by mike.
Re: having problems with Boston Scientific's spinal cord st, 2/24/12, by KAREN S..
Re: having problems with Boston Scientific's spinal cord st, 4/22/12, by Kurt Swartz.
Re: having problems with Boston Scientific's spinal cord st, 5/07/12, by christine stout.
Re: having problems with Boston Scientific's spinal cord st, 6/22/12, by robert dutille.
Re: having problems with Boston Scientific's spinal cord st, 6/22/12, by Robin.
Re: having problems with Boston Scientific's spinal cord st, 6/22/12, by Robin.
Re: having problems with Boston Scientific's spinal cord st, 6/22/12, by Robin.
Re: having problems with Boston Scientific's spinal cord st, 7/07/12, by Susan Cole.
Re: having problems with Boston Scientific's spinal cord st, 7/09/12, by Dan Maloney.
Re: having problems with Boston Scientific's spinal cord st, 7/18/12, by Tommy Cobbs.
Re: having problems with Boston Scientific's spinal cord st, 7/30/12, by Brenda M,.
Re: having problems with Boston Scientific's spinal cord st, 7/30/12, by Brenda M,.
Re: having problems with Boston Scientific's spinal cord st, 8/06/12, by Trish Todd.
Re: having problems with Boston Scientific's spinal cord st, 8/06/12, by Trish Todd.
Re: having problems with Boston Scientific's spinal cord st, 8/07/12, by Bonnie.
Re: having problems with Boston Scientific's spinal cord st, 8/09/12, by Randy Daniels.
Re: having problems with Boston Scientific's spinal cord st, 8/26/12, by Carol D Roberts.
Re: having problems with Boston Scientific's spinal cord st, 8/28/12, by randy daniels.
Re: having problems with Boston Scientific's spinal cord st, 8/29/12, by korina Sandoval.
Re: having problems with Boston Scientific's spinal cord st, 8/31/12, by S.P.A..
Re: having problems with Boston Scientific's spinal cord st, 10/09/12, by Mary Gilbert.
Re: having problems with Boston Scientific's spinal cord st, 10/17/12, by Jeanne Tobin.
Re: having problems with Boston Scientific's spinal cord st, 10/17/12, by Jeanne Tobin.
Re: having problems with Boston Scientific's spinal cord st, 10/29/12, by Eric.
Re: having problems with Boston Scientific's spinal cord st, 11/22/12, by Michelle.
Re: having problems with Boston Scientific's spinal cord st, 11/30/12, by Patrick Geiry.
Re: having problems with Boston Scientific's spinal cord st, 12/14/12, by in hospital now having box removed.
Re: having problems with Boston Scientific's spinal cord st, 1/06/13, by sharon grey.
Re: having problems with Boston Scientific's spinal cord st, 1/16/13, by Shelly L. Gade.
Re: having problems with Boston Scientific's spinal cord st, 1/19/13, by Victor.
Re: having problems with Boston Scientific's spinal cord st, 1/25/13, by dave coburn.
Re: having problems with Boston Scientific's spinal cord st, 2/22/13, by Carrie.
Re: having problems with Boston Scientific's spinal cord st, 2/22/13, by Carrie.
Re: having problems with Boston Scientific's spinal cord st, 3/01/13, by christine stout.
Re: having problems with Boston Scientific's spinal cord st, 3/15/13, by jeremy.
Re: having problems with Boston Scientific's spinal cord st, 3/31/13, by Nina Fares.
Re: having problems with Boston Scientific's spinal cord st, 4/04/13, by Amy.
Re: having problems with Boston Scientific's spinal cord st, 4/23/13, by John Nelson.
Re: having problems with Boston Scientific's spinal cord st, 5/01/13, by TAMMY.
Re: having problems with Boston Scientific's spinal cord st, 5/01/13, by TAMMY.
Re: having problems with Boston Scientific's spinal cord st, 5/20/13, by Bonnie.
Re: having problems with Boston Scientific's spinal cord st, 6/20/13, by Anita B Gaffney.
Re: having problems with Boston Scientific's spinal cord st, 7/17/13, by Rene .
Re: having problems with Boston Scientific's spinal cord st, 7/17/13, by Kris.
Re: having problems with Boston Scientific's spinal cord st, 7/17/13, by Kris.
Re: having problems with Boston Scientific's spinal cord st, 12/16/13, by ellie.
Re: having problems with Boston Scientific's spinal cord st, 2/04/14, by Gregory Osmond.
Re: having problems with Boston Scientific's spinal cord st, 3/16/14, by Linda.
Re: having problems with Boston Scientific's spinal cord st, 3/16/14, by Linda.
Re: having problems with Boston Scientific's spinal cord st, 3/16/14, by Linda.
Re: having problems with Boston Scientific's spinal cord st, 4/28/14, by Dennis.
Re: having problems with Boston Scientific's spinal cord st, 5/04/14, by Dawna W.
Re: having problems with Boston Scientific's spinal cord st, 5/12/14, by Nicole Ottiano.
Re: having problems with Boston Scientific's spinal cord st, 5/26/14, by Michelle Link.
Re: having problems with Boston Scientific's spinal cord st, 1/06/16, by Marie.
Re: having problems with Boston Scientific's spinal cord st, 2/10/16, by Rick C Risner.
Re: having problems with Boston Scientific's spinal cord st, 1/09/17, by donnie richie.
Re: having problems with Boston Scientific's spinal cord st, 3/14/17, by ROBERT MOORE.
Re: having problems with Boston Scientific's spinal cord st, 3/15/17, by korina Sandoval.
Re: having problems with Boston Scientific's spinal cord st, 3/15/17, by korina Sandoval.
Re: having problems with Boston Scientific's spinal cord st, 6/11/19, by robert moore.
- diane n, 6/08/10, by
- spinal cord simalator ! boston scienufic lawsuits !, 6/08/10, by t.j..
Re: spinal cord simalator ! boston scienufic lawsuits !, 6/09/10, by lucas b.
Re: spinal cord simalator ! boston scienufic lawsuits !, 6/09/10, by t.j..
Re: spinal cord simalator ! boston scienufic lawsuits !, 6/09/10, by t.j..
Re: spinal cord simalator ! boston scienufic lawsuits !, 7/20/10, by Greg.
- Needs Advice!!! Please, 5/23/10, by Brandy Schoolcraft.
- SPINAL CORD STIM MESS, 5/19/10, by Sharon B.
Re: SPINAL CORD STIM MESS, 6/29/10, by tj.
- medtronics neuostimulator, 5/06/10, by david w lewis.
- ans eon mini spinal cord stimulator, 5/05/10, by Vikki.
Re: ans eon mini spinal cord stimulator, 5/19/10, by Sharon B.
- avn, cushings syndrome= prednisone use, 5/05/10, by chris scotland.
Re: avn, cushings syndrome= prednisone use, 5/08/10, by Sharon Giambra.
Re: avn, cushings syndrome= prednisone use, 5/08/10, by Sharon Giambra.
- Magic Chef Microwaves Aren't So Magic, 5/01/10, by Steve.
- Medtronics SCS, 5/01/10, by Kathy.
Re: Medtronics SCS, 6/25/10, by Sally.
- Help, 4/28/10, by Dee.
- Vandalism, 4/25/10, by Mike.
- medtronic neuro stim failure, 4/22/10, by susan.
Re: medtronic neuro stim failure, 4/28/10, by Dee.
- 1997 landcruiser abs, 4/18/10, by roger s johnson.
- Stimulator battery pack change leads to infection, 4/06/10, by Claire.
- Spinal cord stimulator defective, 3/23/10, by Charlene Warren.
Re: Spinal cord stimulator defective, 4/11/10, by susan.
- Over Prescribe Prednisone, 3/23/10, by Sharon Giambra.
- Pop Secret Popcorn exploding, 3/22/10, by Cheryl Hixenbaugh.
- ANS Spinal Cord Stimulator, 3/12/10, by Ginger.
Re: ANS Spinal Cord Stimulator, 4/27/10, by julie imholz.
Re: ANS Spinal Cord Stimulator, 5/05/10, by Vikki.
- Werner Attic Ladder S2208 Junk, 3/01/10, by Charles Rogers.
Re: Werner Attic Ladder S2208 Junk, 5/29/10, by tvb.
Re: Werner Attic Ladder S2208 Junk, 8/03/10, by tvb.
Re: Werner Attic Ladder S2208 Junk, 2/26/11, by RPP.
Re: Werner Attic Ladder S2208 Junk, 12/11/11, by Don H.
Re: Werner Attic Ladder S2208 Junk, 12/22/11, by Mark Jordan.
Re: Werner Attic Ladder S2208 Junk, 12/22/11, by Mark Jordan.
Re: Werner Attic Ladder S2208 Junk, 12/28/11, by Barry Borum v. Werner Ladder Lawsuit.
Re: Werner Attic Ladder S2208 Junk, 12/29/11, by Joseph Jarmuszkiewicz.
Re: Werner Attic Ladder S2208 Junk, 12/29/11, by Joseph Jarmuszkiewicz.
Re: Werner Attic Ladder S2208 Junk?...and so is the S2210, 1/01/12, by Dan Glass.
Re: Werner Attic Ladder S2208 Junk, 1/29/12, by Ed Dlugolecki.
- TOYOTA SIENNA 2006 ABS VSC BRAKE PROBLEM, 2/26/10, by CP-17033.
Re: TOYOTA SIENNA 2006 ABS VSC BRAKE PROBLEM, 2/26/10, by CP-17033.
Re: TOYOTA SIENNA 2006 ABS VSC BRAKE PROBLEM, 2/26/10, by CP-17033.
Re: TOYOTA SIENNA 2006 ABS VSC BRAKE PROBLEM, 4/02/10, by Charlene Blake.
- medtronics , 2/13/10, by Antoinette.
Re: medtronics , 3/05/10, by fay.
Re: medtronics , 3/06/10, by Melissa.
Re: medtronics , 3/23/10, by Billy Sweeney.
- Camry ABS lock up, 2/08/10, by Debra Williams.
- medtronics neurostimulator, 2/07/10, by tom.
Re: medtronics neurostimulator, 3/23/10, by Billy Sweeney.
- Werner stepladder failures, 1/25/10, by John Preuss.
Re: Werner stepladder failures, 6/26/10, by John Preuss.
- spinal crd stimulator, 1/07/10, by Gail .
Re: spinal crd stimulator, 7/06/10, by marie m.
- the effects of prednisone on my body , 12/26/09, by jason e harden.
- Mammogram and PIPS, 12/22/09, by Chris.
- medtronic broken screws, 12/17/09, by lori cavanaugh.
- stimulator, 12/13/09, by lisa snyder.
- medtronic, 12/13/09, by lori.
Re: medtronic, 12/13/09, by lisa snyder.
Re: medtronic, 12/13/09, by lisa snyder.
- allergic reaction to implant ?, 11/29/09, by Bill O'Brien.
- sticking doors/breaking handles, 11/25/09, by carolyn.
- werner S2210, 11/24/09, by bob.
Re: werner S2210, 11/30/09, by tvb.
Re: werner S2210, 2/12/10, by Barry.
Re: werner S2210, 2/24/10, by jamie russell.
Re: werner S2210, 5/29/10, by tvb.
Re: werner S2210, 5/29/10, by tvb.
Re: werner S2210, 7/11/10, by jack r..
Re: werner S2210, 8/03/10, by tvb.
Re: werner S2210, 9/07/11, by Norman Gibbs.
Re: werner S2210, 9/07/11, by Norman Gibbs.
Re: werner S2210, 4/24/12, by GK.
- Gorilla ladder model #01-24001-01 4 step , 11/10/09, by R. Brescia.
Re: Gorilla ladder model #01-24001-01 4 step , 2/21/13, by Terrence Smith.
- prednisone, 11/08/09, by sonya.
- werner S2210, 11/05/09, by Justin.
- Prednisone, 10/31/09, by James D Gilbert.
- ANS Spinal Cord Stimulator Problem, 10/27/09, by Donna.
Re: ANS Spinal Cord Stimulator Problem, 11/17/09, by Ted Patrick.
- Prednisone The Life Changer, 10/25/09, by Maria gary.
- titanium screws broken, 10/05/09, by Carol Sloan.
Re: titanium screws broken, 11/30/09, by LORI.
Re: titanium screws broken, 12/18/09, by lcav.
Re: titanium screws broken, 12/18/09, by lcav.
Re: titanium screws broken, 1/21/10, by Cara.
Re: titanium screws broken, 1/23/11, by debra.
Re: titanium screws broken, 3/12/12, by Carol Power.
- Werner S2210, 10/02/09, by Frank Sheasley.
Re: Werner S2210, 10/27/09, by tvb.
- neuro stimulator, 9/27/09, by Brenda.
- Steroids have damaged my teeth. , 9/16/09, by Carol Ann Rose.
- Implant, 9/15/09, by Valerie.
- Neverending Battle, 9/11/09, by Scott.
- Medtronic Spinal cord stim turns on randomly, 9/04/09, by Suzi.
- spinal stem. infection, 8/28/09, by Annette.
- AVN Alchohol use, 8/21/09, by R zachman.
- Spinal Cord Stimulator, 8/18/09, by Charlie.
- leg and foot pain from nerves firing off, 8/13/09, by mary.
Re: leg and foot pain from nerves firing off, 8/17/09, by mary.
- Airbag not deploying on Ford Expedition, 8/12/09, by upset Ford owner.
- Re:Prednisone causing AVN, 8/05/09, by Jeff.
- MEDTRONICS, 8/04/09, by kathy.
- where ar eth lawyers when you want them, 8/04/09, by kathy.
- Pain in the implant site..., 8/03/09, by Tammy.
Re: Pain in the implant site..., 8/07/09, by Tina.
Re: Pain in the implant site..., 8/17/09, by Annette.
Re: Pain in the implant site..., 10/23/09, by Barbara.
- Infection in inplant sight(my head), 7/27/09, by Sherry.
- NEUROSTIMULATOR, 7/23/09, by Ivonne Sanchez.
- spinal cord stimulator, 7/22/09, by RS.
- spinal cord stimulator had it put in june, 7/21/09, by Tammy.
Re: spinal cord stimulator had it put in june, 7/21/09, by Tammy.
- Medtronic Battery Burns, 7/21/09, by Dave Mathis.
- medtronic neurostimulator, 7/18/09, by Ivonne Sanchez.
Re: medtronic neurostimulator, 12/05/09, by Ed .
- medtronic spinal cord stimulator, 7/15/09, by Ann.
Re: medtronic spinal cord stimulator, 7/15/09, by Rox.
Re: medtronic spinal cord stimulator, 7/17/09, by ann.
- Infection from Srews after surgery on spine, 7/15/09, by Pam.
- medtronic neurostimulator, 7/06/09, by Ivonne Sanchez.
- avn, 7/05/09, by shawn cook.
- spinal cord stims, 7/02/09, by dayle o'brien.
- metronic stimulator, 6/29/09, by cj.
- Medtronics Pain Stimulator, 6/27/09, by Cleo E. Clark.
- Advanced Bionics VS Medtronics, 6/22/09, by Dennis White.
Re: Advanced Bionics VS Medtronics, 6/24/09, by Hillard.
Re: Advanced Bionics VS Medtronics, 6/24/09, by Dennis White.
- spinal cord stimulator, 6/19/09, by pam.
Re: spinal cord stimulator, 6/20/09, by Hillard.
- scs, 6/19/09, by Hillard.
- spine fusion, 6/18/09, by Hillard.
Re: spine fusion, 6/18/09, by Hillard.
- avn, 6/17/09, by RobinTauser.
- ANS stimulator, 6/16/09, by Pam.
Re: ANS stimulator, 6/27/09, by Clark.
Re: ANS stimulator, 10/15/09, by Shay.
- avn, 6/05/09, by shawn cook.
- Werner S2210 Attic Ladder, 6/03/09, by Mike Smith.
Re: Werner S2210 Attic Ladder, 7/13/09, by larry.
- Werner S2210 Attic Ladder, 6/03/09, by Mike Smith.
Re: Werner S2210 Attic Ladder, 7/07/09, by dave d.
Re: Werner S2210 Attic Ladder, 9/06/09, by Gary.
Re: Werner S2210 Attic Ladder, 10/27/09, by tvb.
Re: Werner S2210 Attic Ladder, 11/03/09, by Tom.
Re: Werner S2210 Attic Ladder, 11/25/09, by C Krager.
Re: Werner S2210 Attic Ladder, 12/07/09, by Dan F.
Re: Werner S2210 Attic Ladder, 12/25/09, by Phil.
Re: Werner S2210 Attic Ladder, 1/02/10, by John .
Re: Werner S2210 Attic Ladder, 5/29/10, by tvb.
Re: Werner S2210 Attic Ladder, 7/11/10, by buck r.
Re: Werner S2210 Attic Ladder, 7/11/10, by Ron Hoopes.
Re: Werner S2210 Attic Ladder, 7/22/10, by Shaken Up.
Re: Werner S2210 Attic Ladder, 8/03/10, by tvb.
Re: Werner S2210 Attic Ladder, 10/15/10, by furious.
Re: Werner S2210 Attic Ladder, 11/03/10, by Tom Dane.
Re: Werner S2210 Attic Ladder, 11/30/10, by R. FREEMAN.
Re: Werner S2210 Attic Ladder, 11/30/10, by R. FREEMAN.
Re: Werner S2210 Attic Ladder, 12/31/10, by Robert Bradshaw.
Re: Werner S2210 Attic Ladder, 1/18/11, by Paul .
Re: Werner S2210 Attic Ladder, 1/18/11, by Paul.
Re: Werner S2210 Attic Ladder, 10/01/11, by Ernie Montano.
- they don't tell you about what happens after surgery!, 5/28/09, by whiner.
- SCS Problems, 5/18/09, by Hunter Lia.
- medtronic stimulator, 5/18/09, by melindaj.
Re: medtronic stimulator, 7/10/09, by pat.
- medtronic stimulator, 5/18/09, by melindaj.
- Stimulator for Bladder, 5/13/09, by Journe.
Re: Stimulator for Bladder, 5/20/09, by Kevin.
- Prednisone, 5/02/09, by Nicholas Rulli.
Re: Prednisone, 7/21/09, by Bryan.
- the great life with ans implant, 4/22/09, by Nicole McDowell.
- MEDTRONIC, 4/22/09, by KATHY.
- medtronic spinal screws broke, 4/01/09, by Joyce Hoover.
Re: medtronic spinal screws broke, 6/18/09, by lori.
- Prednisone side-affects, 3/24/09, by Kathie.
Re: Prednisone side-affects, 3/24/09, by Kathie.
Re: Prednisone side-affects, 8/25/09, by Amelia.
- Medtronics Spinal Cord Stimulator, 3/22/09, by R.L..
- 2 hip replacement and Iam only 55 yrs old and now my shoulde, 3/18/09, by edward riding.
- broken screws in back after L4L5 S1 fuison, 3/18/09, by rocky franklin .
Re: broken screws in back after L4L5 S1 fuison, 4/08/09, by melany.
Re: broken screws in back after L4L5 S1 fuison, 4/19/09, by LORI.
Re: broken screws in back after L4L5 S1 fuison, 4/29/09, by wendy.
Re: broken screws in back after L4L5 S1 fuison, 4/29/09, by wendy.
Re: broken screws in back after L4L5 S1 fuison, 4/29/09, by wendy.
Re: broken screws in back after L4L5 S1 fuison, 4/29/09, by wendy.
Re: broken screws in back after L4L5 S1 fuison, 4/29/09, by wendy.
Re: broken screws in back after L4L5 S1 fuison, 4/30/09, by w.
Re: broken screws in back after L4L5 S1 fuison, 4/30/09, by wendy.
Re: broken screws in back after L4L5 S1 fuison, 4/30/09, by wendy.
Re: broken screws in back after L4L5 S1 fuison, 12/07/09, by Lori Cavnaugh.
- Medtronic Spinal Cord Stimulator, 3/16/09, by June.
Re: Medtronic Spinal Cord Stimulator, 3/24/09, by Stefanie .
Re: Medtronic Spinal Cord Stimulator, 3/30/09, by nancy morrison.
Re: Medtronic Spinal Cord Stimulator, 3/30/09, by nancy morrison.
Re: Medtronic Spinal Cord Stimulator, 5/27/09, by nancy.
Re: Medtronic Spinal Cord Stimulator, 6/12/09, by kathy.
Re: Medtronic Spinal Cord Stimulator, 6/29/09, by cj.
Re: Medtronic Spinal Cord Stimulator, 10/01/10, by Lady Di.
Re: Medtronic Spinal Cord Stimulator, 1/10/12, by kevin crompton.
- I need information, 3/15/09, by Penny.
Re: I need information, 3/15/09, by KARIE.
- I need information, 3/15/09, by Penny Benitez.
- Toyota FJ Cruiser ABS failure., 3/10/09, by Eric Sweet.
- medtronics stimulator, 3/05/09, by Sheila.
Re: medtronics stimulator, 3/11/09, by Marie.
- Farm Equipment Manufacturer, 3/01/09, by Paul.
- Prendisone Side Effects - 9 Vertebrae Fractures, 2/23/09, by Rose Batsarika.
Re: Prendisone Side Effects - 9 Vertebrae Fractures, 4/06/09, by Kathie Glanville.
Re: Prendisone Side Effects - 9 Vertebrae Fractures, 4/06/09, by Kathie Glanville.
Re: Prendisone Side Effects - 9 Vertebrae Fractures, 4/06/09, by Kathie Glanville.
Re: Prendisone Side Effects - 9 Vertebrae Fractures, 8/25/09, by Amelia.
- Failed Medtronics Spinal Stimulator, 2/03/09, by Susan Cox.
Re: Failed Medtronics Spinal Stimulator, 3/15/09, by KARIE.
Re: Failed Medtronics Spinal Stimulator, 3/24/09, by Stefanie .
- pip breast implants, 1/23/09, by Tammy.
- Prednisone, 1/21/09, by Cynda Johns.
- a lawyer that can help, 1/19/09, by TAMIKA KELLY.
Re: a lawyer that can help, 1/19/09, by &*%.
- 2007 Ford F-150 airbag non-deployment, 1/08/09, by Jason Brooks.
- Toyota Land Cruiser ABS Failure, 1/07/09, by Mark Gagnon.
- Spinal Cord Stimulator Attorneys, 12/25/08, by BJ.
- spinal cord stimulator, 12/20/08, by Rose.
- 1999 Toyota Land Cruiser, 12/12/08, by Mark Gagnon.
- prednisone causing AVN, 12/11/08, by sally.
- someone should be responsable!!!!!, 12/05/08, by trisha.
- spinal neurostimulator implant re-do, 11/27/08, by Jennifer Haag.
Re: spinal neurostimulator implant re-do, 2/10/09, by Ann Clark.
- Karl Dorsey, 11/12/08, by Lily Castaneda.
- on medtronic about the law and finding lawyers, 11/08/08, by Tami.
Re: on medtronic about the law and finding lawyers, 2/15/09, by Tracy.
- Medtronics Pain Stimulator , 11/02/08, by Ann Clark.
Re: Medtronics Pain Stimulator , 11/03/08, by Adam.
Re: Medtronics Pain Stimulator , 11/19/08, by Flo .
Re: Medtronics Pain Stimulator , 11/19/08, by FLO FERGUSON.
Re: Medtronics Pain Stimulator , 2/05/09, by vicki williams.
Re: Medtronics Pain Stimulator , 4/28/11, by lanise verdin.
- ANS SCS, 11/02/08, by mark .
- PARALYSIS, 10/26/08, by VANESSA.
Re: PARALYSIS, 10/28/08, by Adam.
Re: PARALYSIS, 11/02/08, by Ann Clark.
- Medtronic Spinal Cord Stimulator, 10/10/08, by Gail.
- MEDTRONIC PAIN STIMULATOR #37712, 10/03/08, by JUNE.
- MEDTRONIC PAIN STIMULATOR #37712, 10/03/08, by JUNE.
Re: MEDTRONIC PAIN STIMULATOR #37712, 2/05/09, by vicki williams.
Re: MEDTRONIC PAIN STIMULATOR #37712, 2/05/09, by vicki williams.
- Spinal Cord Stimulator, 9/27/08, by RS.
- medtronic stimulator leads before the law changes, 9/18/08, by Tami.
Re: medtronic stimulator leads before the law changes, 10/26/08, by vanessa.
- Ford Windstar air-bag deployment, 9/15/08, by Bridgette.
- ANS SCS failure - lawsuit?, 9/15/08, by Lee Schooler.
Re: ANS SCS failure - lawsuit?, 1/31/09, by Lauren deLorimier.
Re: ANS SCS failure - lawsuit?, 12/12/09, by gary miles.
- PIP implants rupture, 9/09/08, by Shasta.
- Lowes/Werner Ladder vs. Frank Winne & Son vs. Moretti debat, 8/26/08, by Moretti Roofing.
- Seeking legal representation due to AVN caused by Prednis, 8/21/08, by Alfonso Arevalo.
- medtronics stimulator leads, 8/19/08, by Tami.
- Medtronics stimulator leads, 8/17/08, by Tami.
- SPINAL COLUM STIMULATOR, 7/24/08, by Marty Goss.
- Spine Stimulator Battery Pain and Plugging into and outlet, 7/17/08, by Rebecca .
- Attorney for Neurostimulator, 7/13/08, by Sandy DeBord.
Re: Attorney for Neurostimulator, 7/24/08, by Marty Goss.
Re: Attorney for Neurostimulator, 7/24/08, by Marty Goss.
- ford 150 truck 2007, 7/11/08, by jane landau.
- spinal cord stimulation, 6/30/08, by kathy.
Re: spinal cord stimulation, 1/31/09, by Lauren deLorimier.
- Med Tronic Neuro Stimulator, 6/30/08, by JoAnn Hayward.
- spinal cord stem, 6/14/08, by Christine LaPonsa.
- Products Liability, 6/13/08, by Marvin Lehrer, JD.
- SCARED TO DEATH, 6/09/08, by KATHY.
Re: SCARED TO DEATH, 7/10/08, by tom.
- Werner Attic Ladder S2200 Series, 5/28/08, by Nate.
Re: Werner Attic Ladder S2200 Series, 5/28/08, by dawn.
Re: Werner Attic Ladder S2200 Series, 5/29/10, by tvb.
Re: Werner Attic Ladder S2200 Series, 5/29/10, by tvb.
Re: Werner Attic Ladder S2200 Series, 5/29/10, by tvb.
Re: Werner Attic Ladder S2200 Series, 8/03/10, by tvb.
Re: Werner Attic Ladder S2200 Series, 2/13/11, by dka.
- Medtronics Pain Stimulator , 5/18/08, by Ann Clark.
- ANS Removal, 5/12/08, by Deborah.
Re: ANS Removal, 6/09/08, by KATHY.
- still having pain after the inplant, 5/09/08, by Delroy williams.
Re: still having pain after the inplant, 2/18/09, by Vickie Campos.
- Werner Ladder , 5/08/08, by Michael Doeringsfeld.
Re: Werner Ladder , 7/20/08, by Scottie.
Re: Werner Ladder , 7/31/08, by MRS.
Re: Werner Ladder , 9/02/08, by Betty Carol Clark.
Re: Werner Ladder , 11/03/08, by J. B.
Re: Werner Ladder , 12/02/08, by Ray Dinterman.
Re: Werner Ladder , 1/01/09, by Jim Walters.
Re: Werner Ladder , 3/23/09, by steph D..
Re: Werner Ladder , 5/12/09, by Former Werner employee.
Re: Werner Ladder , 5/12/09, by michael Doeringsfeld.
Re: Werner Ladder , 8/05/09, by Harmon.
Re: Werner Ladder , 9/20/09, by Alberta Gardner.
Re: Werner Ladder , 10/27/09, by tvb.
Re: Werner Ladder , 10/27/09, by tvb.
Re: Werner Ladder , 11/30/09, by Russ.
Re: Werner Ladder , 1/02/10, by Derek Meersman.
Re: Werner Ladder , 1/02/10, by Derek Meersman.
Re: Werner Ladder , 1/02/10, by John .
Re: Werner Ladder , 1/05/10, by Steve M.
Re: Werner Ladder , 5/29/10, by tvb.
Re: Werner Ladder , 8/03/10, by tvb.
Re: Werner Ladder , 10/02/12, by jerry fowler.
- ANS Device, 5/05/08, by Deborah.
Re: ANS Device, 3/30/09, by KATI.
Re: ANS Device, 3/30/09, by Kati.
- Werner Aluminum Ladder Defect/Accident, 4/16/08, by Barry Cogut.
Re: Werner Aluminum Ladder Defect/Accident, 8/05/09, by harmon.
- Predisone Lawsuit, 4/15/08, by Kim.
Re: Predisone Lawsuit, 8/29/08, by Michelle Cornelius.
Re: Predisone Lawsuit, 8/29/08, by Kimberly Dupree.
Re: Predisone Lawsuit, 5/27/09, by FARRAH EDISON.
- Werner Attic Ladder, 4/15/08, by Sam K..
- Werner Attic Ladder, 4/15/08, by Sam K..
Re: Werner Attic Ladder, 8/05/09, by Harmon.
Re: Werner Attic Ladder, 9/29/09, by Frank B.
Re: Werner Attic Ladder, 9/29/09, by Frank B.
Re: Werner Attic Ladder, 10/27/09, by tvb.
Re: Werner Attic Ladder, 10/27/09, by tvb.
Re: Werner Attic Ladder, 12/30/12, by Archie Vanderver.
Re: Werner Attic Ladder, 12/30/12, by Archie Vanderver.
- can someone use my name and pictures legally? , 4/10/08, by Jen.
- spinal stimulator implant, 4/02/08, by shelby.
- spinal stimulator implant, 4/02/08, by shelby.
- spinal cord stimulator, 3/31/08, by Jolene.
- spinal cord stimulator, 3/31/08, by Jolene.
- ans stimulator for pain, 3/28/08, by donna.
Re: ans stimulator for pain, 5/05/08, by Deborah.
- 03 Expedition airbags DID NOT DEPLOY !!!, 3/28/08, by Shirlen Burrows.
Re: 03 Expedition airbags DID NOT DEPLOY !!!, 3/28/08, by 00.
Re: 03 Expedition airbags DID NOT DEPLOY !!!, 6/02/08, by Natalie Hypse.
Re: 03 Expedition airbags DID NOT DEPLOY !!!, 1/02/09, by lier.
Re: 03 Expedition airbags DID NOT DEPLOY !!!, 3/19/11, by eve davis.
Re: 03 Expedition airbags DID NOT DEPLOY !!!, 4/08/11, by amellia clark.
- veterinarian drug companies/liability, 3/26/08, by carol.
- Medtronics Spinal Cord Stimulator , 3/04/08, by Scottie.
Re: Medtronics Spinal Cord Stimulator , 3/04/08, by Rainey.
Re: Medtronics Spinal Cord Stimulator , 4/05/09, by Renea.
- werner s2210, 2/11/08, by Robert.
Re: werner s2210, 2/20/08, by George Rollins.
Re: werner s2210, 5/03/08, by Rolly Merrill.
Re: werner s2210, 8/25/08, by Benj.
Re: werner s2210, 8/26/08, by Consumer Rights.
Re: werner s2210, 11/30/08, by B. Osborn.
Re: werner s2210, 12/08/08, by Denny W..
Re: werner s2208, 12/14/08, by Gary K.
Re: werner s2210, 12/28/08, by Bob Ford.
Re: werner s2210, 1/03/09, by Dirk Parker.
Re: werner s2210, 1/09/09, by Bob Ford.
Re: werner s2210, 2/20/09, by Ginny Jones.
Re: werner s2210, 2/20/09, by Ginny Jones.
Re: werner s2210, 2/26/09, by Bob Martin.
Re: werner s2210, 2/28/09, by Randy W..
Re: werner s2210, 3/24/09, by steph d..
Re: werner s2210, 6/03/09, by Michael Smith.
Re: werner s2210, 8/05/09, by Harmon.
Re: werner s2210, 8/13/09, by Joe.
Re: werner s2210, 10/01/09, by Mark.
Re: werner s2210, 10/27/09, by tvb.
Re: werner s2210, 11/15/09, by patrick benz.
Re: werner s2210, 11/20/09, by Mariann Rosenquest.
Re: werner s2210, 12/07/09, by DAN F.
Re: werner s2210, 12/17/09, by fortunate to have been uninjured when mine broke.
Re: werner s2210, 12/28/09, by Faber.
Re: werner s2210, 1/04/10, by Rick.
Re: werner s2208, 1/07/10, by Rmacky.
Re: werner s2210, 1/09/10, by R.Sirois.
Re: werner s2210, 1/18/10, by George S.
Re: werner s2210, 1/30/10, by George S.
Re: werner s2210, 1/30/10, by tvb.
Re: werner s2208, 1/31/10, by Ed Gill.
Re: werner s2208, 3/01/10, by JaminATL.
Re: werner s2210, 3/11/10, by Bonnie.
Re: werner s2210, 5/29/10, by tvb.
Re: werner s2210, 6/18/10, by Dan Birklid.
Re: werner s2210, 6/19/10, by Jack Kirtland.
Re: werner s2210, 8/02/10, by Dave Harness.
Re: werner s2210, 8/03/10, by tvb.
Re: werner s2208, 11/28/10, by Walton lanier.
Re: werner s2210, 12/21/10, by ft walker.
Re: werner s2210, 2/03/12, by Dale Danner.
Re: werner s2210, 4/18/12, by tvb.
Re: werner s2210, 4/24/12, by Paul Peel.
Re: werner s2210, 5/28/12, by Andy Yates.
Re: werner s2210, 11/08/12, by A.J.
- Werner s2210, 2/11/08, by Robert.
Re: Werner s2210, 10/20/08, by Daniel.
- Spinal Cord Stimulator, 2/11/08, by Sue.
Re: Spinal Cord Stimulator, 2/12/08, by britt.
Re: Spinal Cord Stimulator, 2/12/08, by Laurie.
Re: Spinal Cord Stimulator, 2/27/08, by vicki.
Re: Spinal Cord Stimulator, 3/22/08, by James M. Saul.
Re: Spinal Cord Stimulator, 3/29/08, by James Whiten.
Re: Spinal Cord Stimulator, 4/30/09, by Nikki.
Re: Spinal Cord Stimulator, 7/17/09, by Becky.
Re: Spinal Cord Stimulator, 10/19/09, by Kathy.
Re: Spinal Cord Stimulator, 9/17/11, by ann marie bednarski.
- Thumb amputation Makita Circular Saw, 2/06/08, by JMasiakos.
- Spinal Cord stimulator, 2/02/08, by Carolina.
Re: Spinal Cord stimulator, 2/18/08, by Guy Bodemer.
Re: Spinal Cord stimulator, 2/18/08, by Guy Bodemer.
Re: Spinal Cord stimulator, 2/18/08, by Deb Brinker.
Re: Spinal Cord stimulator, 2/23/08, by barbara.
Re: Spinal Cord stimulator, 3/05/08, by Andie Pauly.
Re: Spinal Cord stimulator, 3/10/08, by Lyra.
Re: Spinal Cord stimulator, 1/07/09, by Guy Bodemer.
Re: Spinal Cord stimulator, 1/07/09, by Guy Bodemer.
Re: Spinal Cord stimulator, 1/14/09, by robert.
Re: Spinal Cord stimulator, 1/19/09, by Maria.
Re: Spinal Cord stimulator, 2/05/09, by vicki.
- canadate for SCS? see neck pain, 1/29/08, by russ.
- neck pain , 1/29/08, by Russ.
- Spinal Cord Stimulator, 1/29/08, by Jackie.
Re: Spinal Cord Stimulator, 1/30/08, by barbara.
Re: Spinal Cord Stimulator, 2/06/08, by Sheryl.
Re: Spinal Cord Stimulator, 2/06/08, by Jackie.
- spinal cord stimulator, 1/18/08, by sheryl .
Re: spinal cord stimulator, 1/22/08, by Ann Clark.
Re: how to find a lawyer for the spinal cord stimulator, 1/23/08, by Deb Brinker.
Re: how to find a lawyer for the spinal cord stimulator, 1/24/08, by barbara.
Re: how to find a lawyer for the spinal cord stimulator, 1/24/08, by barbara.
Re: how to find a lawyer for the spinal cord stimulator, 4/03/08, by Carolina.
Re: how to find a lawyer for the spinal cord stimulator, 5/17/08, by Joe.
Re: how to find a lawyer for the spinal cord stimulator, 6/11/08, by connie hoffman.
Re: how to find a lawyer for the spinal cord stimulator, 11/06/08, by Char Patnode.
Re: how to find a lawyer for the spinal cord stimulator, 1/17/09, by Tracy.
Re: how to find a lawyer for the spinal cord stimulator, 2/15/09, by Sandy Carpenter.
Re: how to find a lawyer for the spinal cord stimulator, 8/27/09, by Cassandra Kozimor.
Re: how to find a lawyer for the spinal cord stimulator, 8/27/09, by Cassandra Kozimor.
Re: how to find a lawyer for the spinal cord stimulator, 10/25/09, by janice breedlove.
Re: how to find a lawyer for the spinal cord stimulator, 11/02/09, by MICHAEL SHEPARD.
Re: how to find a lawyer for the spinal cord stimulator, 11/04/09, by Annette.
Re: how to find a lawyer for the spinal cord stimulator, 11/20/09, by Lisa Snyder.
Re: how to find a lawyer for the spinal cord stimulator, 11/20/09, by Lisa Snyder.
Re: how to find a lawyer for the spinal cord stimulator, 11/20/09, by jh.
Re: how to find a lawyer for the spinal cord stimulator, 11/30/09, by lori cavanaugh.
Re: how to find a lawyer for the spinal cord stimulator, 12/13/09, by lisa snyder.
Re: how to find a lawyer for the spinal cord stimulator, 3/23/10, by Bill Sweeney.
Re: how to find a lawyer for the spinal cord stimulator, 3/25/10, by Billy Sweeney.
Re: how to find a lawyer for the spinal cord stimulator, 4/12/10, by Billy Sweeney.
Re: how to find a lawyer for the spinal cord stimulator, 5/01/10, by Kathy Cooper.
Re: how to find a lawyer for the spinal cord stimulator, 5/28/10, by Tom McDonough.
Re: how to find a lawyer for the spinal cord stimulator, 5/28/10, by netTom McDonough.
Re: how to find a lawyer for the spinal cord stimulator, 6/08/10, by T.J..
Re: how to find a lawyer for the spinal cord stimulator, 6/08/10, by Valerie.
Re: how to find a lawyer for the spinal cord stimulator, 6/23/10, by Rich S.
Re: how to find a lawyer for the spinal cord stimulator, 7/06/10, by Jennifer Pearl Gordon.
Re: how to find a lawyer for the spinal cord stimulator, 5/17/11, by Gary Wright.
Re: how to find a lawyer for the spinal cord stimulator, 2/07/12, by Gary Wright.
Re: how to find a lawyer for the spinal cord stimulator, 8/08/12, by Brian.
Re: how to find a lawyer for the spinal cord stimulator, 9/16/12, by Rosie.
Re: how to find a lawyer for the spinal cord stimulator, 5/02/13, by Rose M Bare.
Re: how to find a lawyer for the spinal cord stimulator, 7/31/14, by Levi L Evans.
Re: how to find a lawyer for the spinal cord stimulator, 7/18/15, by Fred l Ingersoll jr.
Re: how to find a lawyer for the spinal cord stimulator, 6/16/16, by Renee .
- product liability, 1/18/08, by jim.
- Werner Fiberglass Step ladders, 1/04/08, by George Richardson.
Re: Werner Fiberglass Step ladders, 6/18/09, by John Preuss.
Re: Werner Fiberglass Step ladders, 6/18/09, by John Preuss.
Re: Werner Fiberglass Step ladders, 1/25/10, by Jphn Preuss.
Re: Werner Fiberglass Step ladders, 6/15/10, by John Preuss.
Re: Werner Fiberglass Step ladders, 8/10/12, by Marc Lenahan.
- Werner S2210 300lb Capacity hinge shear, 1/01/08, by Scott Murphy.
Re: Werner S2210 300lb Capacity hinge shear, 8/05/09, by Harmon.
Re: Werner S2210 300lb Capacity hinge shear, 10/27/09, by tvb.
Re: Werner S2210 300lb Capacity hinge shear, 5/29/10, by tvb.
Re: Werner S2210 300lb Capacity hinge shear, 8/03/10, by tvb.
Re: Werner S2210 300lb Capacity hinge shear, 11/07/10, by Merle Jones.
Re: Werner S2210 300lb Capacity hinge shear, 2/26/11, by RPP.
Re: Werner S2208 300lb Capacity hinge shear, 2/26/11, by RPP.
Re: Werner S2208 300lb Capacity hinge shear, 11/28/11, by JWD.
Re: Werner S2210 300lb Capacity hinge shear, 2/28/12, by Robert Matusevich.
Re: Werner S2210 300lb Capacity hinge shear, 4/18/12, by tvb.
Re: Werner S2210 300lb Capacity hinge shear, 4/24/12, by Paul Peel.
Re: Werner S2210 300lb Capacity hinge shear, 4/25/12, by GK.
Re: Werner S2210 300lb Capacity hinge shear, 6/03/12, by jim f vernon.
Re: Werner S2210 300lb Capacity hinge shear, 10/10/12, by RN.
- WERNER ATTIC LADDER, 12/30/07, by Norma Cole.
- Werner pull down attic ladder, 12/09/07, by David Resley.
Re: Werner pull down attic ladder, 4/19/08, by kristi waterland.
Re: Werner pull down attic ladder, 4/19/08, by kristi waterland.
Re: Werner pull down attic ladder, 8/12/08, by roger groves.
Re: Werner pull down attic ladder, 8/12/08, by MRS.
Re: Werner pull down attic ladder, 8/01/09, by frank hogan.
Re: Werner pull down attic ladder, 8/05/09, by HARMON.
Re: Werner pull down attic ladder, 11/30/09, by Ross Anger.
Re: Werner pull down attic ladder, 11/30/09, by tvb.
Re: Werner pull down attic ladder, 2/18/10, by Tom.
Re: Werner pull down attic ladder, 3/07/10, by chris moll.
Re: Werner pull down attic ladder, 4/23/10, by Rich Domsicz.
Re: Werner pull down attic ladder, 4/24/10, by Rich Domsicz.
Re: Werner pull down attic ladder, 5/04/10, by tvb.
Re: Werner pull down attic ladder, 5/29/10, by tvb.
Re: Werner pull down attic ladder, 8/03/10, by tvb.
Re: Werner pull down attic ladder, 5/06/12, by SGT WAR.
- Medtronics Implants (Spinal) & Electrocution , 12/06/07, by Shonad Malone.
- Advanced Bionics Spinal Stimulator, 12/06/07, by Robert Canty.
Re: Advanced Bionics Spinal Stimulator, 12/06/07, by Shonda Malone.
Re: Advanced Bionics Spinal Stimulator, 12/17/07, by Mark.
Re: Advanced Bionics Spinal Stimulator, 12/18/07, by Mark.
- Kaz heating pad, 12/05/07, by Riley P. Richard.
Re: Kaz heating pad, 1/03/08, by Jodie.
- Kaz heating pad, 12/05/07, by Riley P. .
- Medtronics Spinal Implant Model # 3628, 12/04/07, by Shonda Malone.
- too many back surgeries, 11/22/07, by tim s. .
- To those who have had problems with SCS, 11/05/07, by Sherri Barnes.
Re: To those who have had problems with SCS, 11/05/07, by Diane.
Re: To those who have had problems with SCS, 11/08/07, by Sherri Barnes.
Re: To those who have had problems with SCS, 11/27/07, by tim.
Re: To those who have had problems with SCS, 12/06/07, by Shonda Malone.
- Re: Reret of having the spine stimulator implant , 11/02/07, by Heather.
- severed headaches and joint aches, 10/29/07, by shelly.
Re: severed headaches and joint aches, 10/31/07, by Sally.
- ANS spinal cord stimulator, 10/25/07, by Steven D. Jacobs, Esq..
- spinal cord implant and pain still, 10/18/07, by dc.
Re: spinal cord implant and pain still, 10/19/07, by donna.