THE TOXIC TORTS CHATBOARDS ARE DEDICATED TO ATTORNEYS. Law students and other legal professionals are invited to participate. No registration required to post - but if your post is abusive or vulgar, you will be banned.
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Welcome to the Property Law Chatboard. This Toxic Torts Chatboard
is dedicated to discussions about law school property courses, and the various issues, rules and case law related to property law.
Please bookmark this resource and contribute often!

Latest posts on the Property Law Chatboard
- Easements, 9/22/14, by Ed Phillips.
- Sewer line underground prescriptive rights, 5/14/14, by Kandee Acuna.
- renters rights, 2/18/14, by kevin.
- land dispute , 12/12/13, by Barb Flanigan.
- non-renter occupation of property, 9/04/12, by Barbara D. Brooks.
- Locked out of house i just bought, 6/13/12, by Les Rice.
- adverse possession , 2/01/12, by alan .
- Property taking, 10/13/11, by Mark Osborn.
- squatting laws, 5/18/11, by jenni.
- videotaping properity, 4/21/11, by norm marney.
- property easement payment, 1/26/11, by Norm Gambill.
- Adverse Possession, 11/09/10, by Sheila Luke.
- lost home to foreclosure, 3/11/10, by jack.
- Re: cutting vegetation on fenceline , 10/21/09, by Poison Ivy.
- cutting vegetation on fenceline , 10/21/09, by Meruca.
- Re: Non-Disclosure, 6/17/09, by Derek.
- Re: Adverse possession in Pennsylvanina, 6/05/09, by gate?.
- Re: Adverse possession in Pennsylvanina, 6/05/09, by hmmmmm.
- Adverse possession in Pennsylvanina, 6/05/09, by Gerald.
- Re: "Squatter's" rights, 12/16/08, by Frankie.
- Re: "Squatter's" rights, 10/10/08, by Sivuplay.
- Re: "Squatter's" rights, 10/10/08, by --.
- "Squatter's" rights, 10/10/08, by Steph.
- Re: Property Boundary, 9/13/08, by --.
- Re: Property Boundary, 9/13/08, by --.
- Re: Property Boundary, 9/13/08, by Don't post here anymore. .
- Re: Property Boundary, 9/12/08, by --.
- Re: Property Boundary, 9/12/08, by Vincent M. Smith.
- Re: Property Boundary, 9/12/08, by Vincent M. Smith.
- Re: Property Boundary, 8/20/08, by --.
- Property Boundary, 8/20/08, by M Conway.
- Re: Another Parking Issue, Virginia [PS], 7/01/08, by --.
- Re: Another Parking Issue, Virginia, 7/01/08, by --.
- Re: Another Parking Issue, Virginia, 7/01/08, by Duane.
- Re: Another Parking Issue, Virginia, 6/30/08, by --.
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