THE TOXIC TORTS CHATBOARDS ARE DEDICATED TO ATTORNEYS. Law students and other legal professionals are invited to participate. No registration required to post - but if your post is abusive or vulgar, you will be banned.
Laypersons (the general public) may pose questions to this forum, as guests, keeping in mind the resource is dedicated specifically to Attorneys.

Welcome to the Solo Practice Chatboard. This Toxic Torts Chatboard
is dedicated exclusively to solo practitioners and those who work in a small firm. The Solo Practice Chatboard is a great place to discuss issues related specifically to law practice in a small firm or solo practice.
Please bookmark this resource and contribute often!

Latest posts on the Solo Practice Chatboard
- Need an attorney with brass balls, 4/04/17, by Mike D.
- In need of a cavalier attorney not afraid to sue/prosecute, 4/04/17, by Mike D.
- Legal Transcription, 10/23/16, by Marybeth Abodeely.
- Online Platform for Buying and Selling Law Firm, 2/07/14, by LawSnag.
- Portland Patent Attorney -- Oregon Patent Attorney, 6/18/13, by J. Douglas Wells, BSEE, MBA/MSIA, JD.
- Personal Injury Lawyer San Diego, 1/24/13, by Allan Field.
- Re: LL.M. and S.J.D., 1/11/13, by Dudley Comeaux.
- Contract Management Software?, 11/09/12, by Daniel P..
- Such Greed!, 8/08/12, by Hardy Parkerson, J.D..
- Re: Happy A-Tryin' Cases, 7/30/12, by Pierre Cochon, J.D. .
- Re: Happy A-Tryin' Cases, 7/30/12, by Pierre Cochon, J.D..
- Happy A-Tryin' Cases, 7/30/12, by Pierre Cochon, J.D..
- Re:, 7/13/12, by Bert Tiger Whitehead.
- Re: STRIP ABA OF ITS ACCREDITOR STATUS! save attorneys, 3/28/12, by lawdog.
- How to Lead on Direct without Objection, 1/10/12, by Anthony J. Fejfar BA, JD, MBA, Phd.
- M.B.PHd. In Jurisprudence Online , 1/10/12, by Saint Anthony's University.
- Law and Jurisprudence- Law Firm Managment, 1/10/12, by Anthony J. Fejfar BA, JD, MBA, Phd.
- Law and Jurisprudence-Legal Ethics, 1/10/12, by Anthony J. Fejfar BA, JD, MBA, Phd.
- Law and Jurisprudence-Landlord and Tentant Law, 1/10/12, by Anthony J. Fejfar BA, JD, MBA, Phd.
- Law and Jurisprudence, 1/10/12, by Anthony J. Fejfar BA, JD, MBA, Phd.
- Losing the Big Ones, 9/30/11, by Prof. Hardy Parkerson (J.D.).
- Free Legal Social Networking Site- , 6/09/11, by Legal Playground.
- Internship, 4/27/11, by TAMURA WELLS.
- Re: under investigation for thefy., 4/19/11, by Ahmed.
- Legal Writing, 4/11/11, by Edwin Scott Fruehwald.
- under investigation for thefy., 3/07/11, by gary.
- Due Process Denied by Court, 1/31/11, by john armstrong.
- New and emerging practice areas, 1/26/11, by Dave.
- IOLTA, 12/30/10, by Name Withheld Lest Poster be Knocked Off by Organized Criminals.
- Re: Solo Out of Law School, 11/10/10, by NO WAY ABA.
- STRIP ABA OF ITS ACCREDITOR STATUS! save attorneys, 11/10/10, by NO WAY ABA.
- Re: Solo Out of Law School, 10/25/10, by Maria.
- Re:, 9/21/10, by Matt Atty.
-, 9/17/10, by Tanja.
- marketing ideas , 9/09/10, by Joseph McGrail .
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