THE TOXIC TORTS CHATBOARDS ARE DEDICATED TO ATTORNEYS. Law students and other legal professionals are invited to participate. No registration required to post - but if your post is abusive or vulgar, you will be banned.
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Welcome to the Tax Law Chatboard. This Toxic Torts Chatboard
is dedicated to discussions about federal, state, and local tax law and tax attorney issues.
Please bookmark this resource and contribute often!

All posts on the Tax Law Chatboard
- The IRS wants $7,000 for late partnership return, 10/30/13, by Jan Clarridge.
- BK attorney sell-out, 9/29/12, by Zaydeus.
- Back Taxes Sale, 6/14/12, by Suzan.
- Back Taxes Sale, 6/14/12, by Suzan.
- Unpaid Employment Taxes, 12/20/11, by David Griffin.
- Mistaken S Corp Election , 6/30/11, by Jason.
- Who Gets To Claim The Mortgage Interest?, 5/06/11, by Gregg.
- Backup information for Schedule K1, 4/17/11, by Tumbao.
- Withdrawal of Tax Lien for Improper Filing, 4/01/11, by Rob Rose.
- Repayment of "ward of state" costs deductable?, 3/25/11, by Michael T.
- Joint vs HOH filing -- divorce pending, 3/15/11, by TJ Smith.
Re: Joint vs HOH filing -- divorce pending, 3/16/11, by K.
- IRA 10% penalty for early distribution, 3/08/11, by Lee Kelly.
- Earned Income credit and welfare, 2/09/11, by Renee.
- 1099 filing adjustments for previous years, 1/12/11, by Luke.
- shortsale house question, 2/01/10, by Randy.
- Fishing Expedition by Auditor, 1/19/10, by Kris.
- Filing status and capital gains/losses, 1/09/10, by Chris Richard.
- Tax free income?, 12/16/09, by IML.
- CPA ran away with my taxes, 10/13/09, by Pamala Myers.
- please help, just found out I owed taxes from 2006, 10/09/09, by Andrea.
- Auditor says 2010 return will be audited, 6/22/09, by Barbara.
- Evading the gift tax, 6/22/09, by TaxNewbie.
- There Should Be A Dope User Tax, 4/19/09, by Steve Blonske.
- Student Loan Interest, 2/04/09, by Student Loan Interest Question.
Re: Student Loan Interest, 1/27/10, by Mary Russell.
- IRS Audit, 1/28/09, by Anne.
- Questions relating to tax law, 12/02/08, by Calby Stevens.
- Damages to Leased Vehicle, 10/28/08, by GregM.
Re: Damages to Leased Vehicle, 11/20/08, by Title to property is important.
- NC Lawyer in FL , 10/24/08, by prez.
Re: NC Lawyer in FL , 10/24/08, by Huh?.
Re: NC Lawyer in FL , 11/20/08, by Tax student.
- What should I claim on my W-2s?, 9/11/08, by Jason R. Bush.
- reasonable cause, 8/20/08, by tony dennison.
- reasonable cause, 8/20/08, by tony dennison.
- Income Tax Altering By Onslow County Tax and Magistrate, 7/01/08, by Nonya Business.
- back taxes: shjould I go straight to the IRS?, 6/04/08, by bella mews.
Re: back taxes: shjould I go straight to the IRS?, 7/05/08, by Frankie.
- Property Taxes - Name On Title, 5/27/08, by TaxCrazy.
Re: Property Taxes - Name On Title, 7/05/08, by Frankie.
- Electronic filing and changing status afterward, 3/28/08, by Eric.
Re: Electronic filing and changing status afterward, 7/05/08, by Frankie.
- company makes payment to individual, must it pay taxes?, 3/28/08, by Will J.
- tax deductible, 3/09/08, by Neej.
Re: tax deductible, 7/05/08, by Frankie.
- Minister Housing Allowance, 1/28/08, by Jen Fray.
- Alimony, 1/26/08, by Robbin Brooks.
- Malpractice settlement, 1/22/08, by Ken.
- LLC filing taxes 2006 - my associate did not file !!, 1/22/08, by Nick.
- Tax Question, 1/17/08, by jonesbp1.
- code of ethics, 1/17/08, by jim.
- Tax Question - Divorce related, 10/14/07, by satya.
Re: Tax Question - Divorce related, 10/14/07, by Curmudgeon.
- Tax Laws for providing child care to family members, 7/30/07, by Dhiren Shah.
- Buy Acomplia, 7/01/07, by Acomplia.
- question about forming LLC, 4/10/07, by Jason Hindman.
Re: question about forming LLC, 6/28/07, by Tony Dennison.
- Sports Tax Practice, 2/16/07, by Robert.
Re: Sports Tax Practice, 6/28/07, by Tony Dennison.
- Tax lein, 2/06/07, by doc.
Re: Tax lein, 6/28/07, by Tony Dennison.
- Tax Code, 2/06/07, by J Gilbert.
Re: Tax Code, 6/28/07, by Tony Dennison.
- tax debt for prior last three years, 2/06/07, by Tami.
Re: tax debt for prior last three years, 6/28/07, by Tony Dennison Esq..
Re: tax debt for prior last three years, 3/06/08, by student.
Re: "Reasonable Cause" in federal tax cases, 3/07/08, by Tax Law Student.
- Child Claim Tax in Pennslyvania, 10/11/06, by Michaela.
- Got a nasty letter from the IRS....Please Help!, 7/21/06, by Anthony.
Re: Got a nasty letter from the IRS....Please Help!, 8/02/06, by David.
Re: Got a nasty letter from the IRS....Please Help!, 8/02/06, by Anthony.
- mineral oil/gas/taxes, 4/28/06, by jim.
Re: mineral oil/gas/taxes, 6/28/07, by
Re: mineral oil/gas/taxes, 1/17/08, by jim.
- Tax Lien, 4/09/06, by Bun.
Re: Tax Lien, 4/12/06, by sharwinston.
Re: Tax Lien, 7/18/06, by Tony dennison esq..
Re: Tax Lien, 6/28/07, by Tony Dennison Esq..
- Welcome to the Tax Law Chatboard, 2/06/06, by Bob Reap (webmaster).