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Welcome to the Criminal Defense Chatboard. This Toxic Torts Chatboard
is dedicated to discussions about criminal defense and criminal defense attorneys. See also the Criminal Law Chatboard in our Law Students resources.
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Latest posts on the Criminal Defense Chatboard
- Jodon Romeo Martinez, 8/02/16, by Elaine Martinez.
- Legal Help, 6/06/15, by Clara.
- Need a New York City criminal defense attorneys?, 6/04/14, by Joseph.
- Virginia Criminal Lawyer Here, 10/14/13, by Brenton D. Vincenzes.
- felony indictment, 11/02/12, by gloria norwicz.
- How to stop sherrif's dept from harassing, 9/29/12, by zaydeus.
- Re: DUI: The Stop, 6/20/12, by Jeff T. Gorman.
- Buyer Claims Shipped Rocks Instead of Item (Filed Police Rep, 4/05/12, by Justin Hall.
- DUI: The Stop, 2/15/12, by Kevin Pitts.
- Criminal Defence, 1/31/12, by Billy Collage .
- Casey Anthony And Melinda Duckett Cases Both Bogus, 11/02/11, by Steve Blonske.
- Illegal alien and traffic criminal, 9/18/11, by Eda.
- first time petti theft please help, 9/05/11, by jenny .
- Re: wil Idaho extradite me from Florida for 2 felony theft , 8/24/11, by Matthew B. Hanson Attorney at Law.
- Re: Can I sue the cops?, 8/24/11, by Matthew B. Hanson Attorney at Law.
- Re: Can I sue the cops?, 8/24/11, by Matthew B. Hanson Attorney at Law.
- Agravated Felony, 8/23/11, by Ian .
- Forensic DNA Expert, 7/17/11, by Dr. Monte Miller.
- Can I sue the cops?, 6/22/11, by James Rudy.
- Can't wait to get involved, 6/15/11, by #harris12[EGGHGGTGGTHT].
- Re: Onslow County Sherrif's The Same Ed Brown Who Claimed , 5/24/11, by Bath Beach Witness.
- Dui Felony Warrant from Detroit. Can I be extradited , 5/02/11, by Dawn.
- Re: Leaving USA with credit card debt...Is Extraditable?, 3/18/11, by JW.
- Class C felony, 2/23/11, by Angie S.
- Re: what can i do, 2/21/11, by Maria.
- obstruction of justice (lying to cop in IL), 1/28/11, by Stockbroker.
- Re: Onslow County Sherrif's (The NO INVESTIGATE) Department, 1/23/11, by Middletown PD.
- Shoplifting, 1/21/11, by Shoplifting.
- Re: wil Idaho extradite me from Florida for 2 felony theft , 1/21/11, by DAD.
- Re: wil Idaho extradite me from Florida for 2 felony theft , 1/20/11, by damien.
- Disorderly Conduct Self Defense help, 11/27/10, by Niki.
- Re: Please help me! Need non extraditable country!, 11/19/10, by art.
- Theft 1, 11/17/10, by Donna.
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